
←新(5月1日時点)   旧(3月4日時点)→

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Making more progress. Things are looking good. It's painfully slow because it's drawing to a canvas directly. Going to try and refactor using webgl for the hardware acceleration. Will see how that goes.

0 21

Four image saved from real time animation to be dropped on with

10 40

ChatGPT continues to amaze me with these WebGL shaders! I asked it create a portal distortion shader and this is the result 🪄

Prompt: Create a webgl shader that distorts an image in a portal manner when moused over

12 55

[✨🌌] « Collider series - Large genesis » — (2022)

5 50

Collective is out!

This week's highlights are: Annual Awards 2022 * Relative rounded corners * Three.js Realism Effects * Iconhunt * Theme Toggles


6 33

I was studying about for a month. I reached interesting results. My new project will be very exciting. very soon...

1 10

function setup(){createCanvas(s=600,s,WEBGL)}function draw(){background(0),rotateX(a),rotateY(1*a),rotateZ(2*a);for(let $=-5;$<5;$++)for(let t=-5;t<5;t++)for(let f=-5;f<5;f++)push(),translate(300*$,300*t,300*f),fill(0,s,0,31),box(100),pop();a+=.005}a=0;//#つぶやきProcessing

9 56

Join & for a beginner's guide to building imaginative 3D worlds with Three.js! Unleash your creativity on Feb 7th at 9.30 AM PST Link below Get notified

3 9

I've named this color scheme "Bastille".

3 11

Wondering which engine do we use to make our 3D ?

We use , a powerful 3D engine:
🐠 Simple and intuitive API
🐠 High performance WebGL rendering
🐠 Cross-platform compatibility
🐠 And the most important thing? Large community and ecosystem

20 31

hi! 🤟
Selecting couples 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👫 for a particular breeding ground, like a biochemist 🧑‍🔬

Sound on🔊

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