Why485 🐀さんのプロフィール画像

Why485 🐀さんのイラストまとめ

Former modder turned amateur game developer. Lead developer of Tiny Combat Arena. Buy the game on Steam!

フォロー数:102 フォロワー数:10011

Experimenting with doing a landlocked terrain, along with a different methodology. Surprisingly I was able to get this in only a few hours. Obviously buildings/roads would take much longer, but for a 20km across terrain that's not bad at all.

19 60

Spent the whole day working on my latest terrain authoring scheme: just hand-make literally everything. I needed to keep the scope small, so I decided to base this exercise of a certain small atoll in the Pacific.

7 40

I don't even know where to begin making terrain that looks like this. Terrain will be by far most difficult aspect of the game to make for me.

0 19

Experimenting with styling for the map screen, which will be the main point of interaction between sorties. It's both the main menu and a way to plan your missions by observing the map and enemy locations.

3 21

Not telling people what you're working on (i.e. posting progress) is boring. Unfortunately, I think I've become addicted to watching the social media numbers go up. I've tried a project where I talk about EVERYTHING (that was Redux), so I'm trying the opposite now.

3 10

All three turrets doing their thing.

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I'm planning on releasing a "Special Edition" of Corvette Jam with some more content and sound effects to close this out.

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Added a bunch of new ships and and mostly finished with adding sound to the Corvette Jam game.

3 1

Happy accident while messing with instanced static meshes in

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