I nearly gave up, but eventually found the solution, sort of. I managed to get the shading lines to be smooth and rounded on her face, rather than weird.

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Festival Trainer Shoki wants to battle!

This is the final emission shader render. I'm gonna make a figurine style too becaaaaauuuuse...

A family friend of mine is going to help me 3D print it! : D

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I haven't seen a tutorial or anything on how to use Abnormal, I just simply started messing with it, managed to move the shadows around. Although I'm guessing the contours of the quads should be where the shadows would be, thus running into probs.

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NPR shader for cycles.

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A "shiny" variant and a figurine style. Rigging and posing next, then doing another Pokemon trainer model. Made the hair cleaner as well.

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'Ecape Velocity 2, Race days and nights of extremes. NPR/illustration/experiments' by Andrzej Sykut https://t.co/YPkf04BjmS

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You attack one of us, you attack all of us.


Free immediately and unconditionally!

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Playing around with custom normals in to flatten out parts of the face for like rendering

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Ditched IK for fully manual bones and weights. Stick shift, baby!

Just about wrapping this model up. Gotta do a face rig, but after that, I'll move on to something else. Some clipping issues. It's ok. I learned a ton working on this.

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A very poor rig, but a rig nonetheless. I'll learn to do better from here (she can basically only do this pose😅).

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test renders results are ok I guess! NPR is hard work but it's so satisfying

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The princess is turning out good so far. Just missing details on the dress like the sun, moon, and star symbols.

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Just finished working on this for a commission on Fiverr. Looks like I'm starting to get the hang out of it!✨

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Not done yet, gotta add some moon, sun, star symbols on her attire, as well as the final color scheme. She uses both a dark and light motif at different points in the story. Also, gotta fix things like her rig, finish weight painting, and so on.

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Editorial illustrations I did for NPR's Next Generation Radio project at CSUN back in Janurary 🌙

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happy monday! ☀️I got to do this fun piece for NPR's podcast. This week's episode highlights Sandy Chilewhich, founder of Chilewich and HUE- two unique home goods and apparel brands 🧡

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