画質 高画質

ikClut改変 Fiore 雪たま氏(改変元・ikeno氏)
NTShader2 のりしお氏

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Did some 25 minute the other day, no prep, just flowing.

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More test on dithering ! (simple checker dithering)
Shader in Unity based on this fragment shader: https://t.co/kQS6CUuGrU
Model & texture from: https://t.co/zZ1Gk36BFL

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Other reaction on a mesh with a kinect.

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We've been hard at work on the new shader pipeline for Enhanced Edition that will eventually debut in the new renderer.

Check out an early technical demonstration and let us know your thoughts, custom content creator or otherwise!


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https://t.co/a2V01fqtQJ これやりたいんだけど

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Me: I wonder what fancy shaders and technical wizardry these game devs use to do their thing.

Game Devs:

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Crystal shaderを使ってて、元から入ってるてかりの部分の幅を最大値にしてるんですよね。なんでかっていうとてかりの部分減らすと服が完全に透けてまずいことになるんですよ

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Coalesce 15 - sol

WARNING: This is processor intensive.


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尻尾とかモフ毛に対してはとても良い感じに出るけど、体全体に適用する場合は 毛の流れ等を作れない(作れるかどうか無学なので知らない)為 まぁまぁという感じ

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apparently we won’t get to use too many toon shaders in my lighting class which is kind of a bummer but I don’t care I will HAND PAINT in these eye shines if I have to

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For the first VFX study of the year, I'm making a tornado spell! I still need to make the beggining stronger, but I`m liking the tornado shader so far.

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I wanted to add eyes to my character and came up with this. I think it looks a little creepy but that might be the lack of a nose & mouth. Would love to hear suggestions and ideas on improvements! 😶

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Raymarching test for real time reaction.

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Group nodes are an effective way to save time, that's why I designed this pack, it contains seven procedural shaders that will allow you to quickly apply your textures without going through UV unfolding. https://t.co/8Nz0bz1teD

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Hair shader blending using some normal tricks. Partially aligning the normals towards the camera flattens the shading and makes the hair look less like cylinders. +bevel node to blend intersecting strands together. Try the nodes or Normal Edit mod (direction + camera target)

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