just polished off these ladz. Defo broken the back of the army now!

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and of a stocky I kind of love digging into all the different kinds of clothing and armour of the Empire.

4 17

From the Starter Set - Diebold Bedrohung, and I'd probably have an expression like that too if I bled molten

1 12

Really love the artwork and the addition of a few select armour pieces!

Now to get my hands on that tome and synergise!

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This pendulum has really been handy in a lot of my games.

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Continued progress shots if the flappy ladies. Too many stages on the wings but pleased with the result so far. Mega pleased with the basing which I think look fantastic, love 40mm bases!

4 49

Quick update, and a novel addition - I'm giving the fan made chapters a go, as I finally admit I'm going to do the full 1000 chapters. Titans of Uros this time, and some welcome colour for the Watch :)

9 54

Salut les Terriens! Voici une autre photographie monté pour plongé au cour de la batailles entre les elfes d'Haldir face aux terrible Uruk Haï .

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These new flesh hounds are going to make some sweet razordon conversions.

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More views from latest Middle Earth battlegame miniatures i've painted at GW shared at Warhammer Community

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