Trabajo realizado en el Módulo de con Nuestros alumnos avanzan cada vez más en su formación profesional ¡Enhorabuena por los resultados! 👏👏 Trabajo de Alumna Carla Pérez-Calvo Saldaña.

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Little personal in coming your way 👀
Realized I only have creatures and men for characters in my portfolio so decided to change things up 🤠🤠☺️

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Preview of a sculpt I'm working on in ZBrush
Considering I didn't use any references, I'm pretty happy with the result. That said, I will be using refs as I move further through the process

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I finished Nicholas' highpoly sculpt!!

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We're trying our hand at destructible character models this time around. This guy will take chunks of damage as you attack (if everything works 😅)

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