Hi. I'm Zombidev and this is Dead Heat; A Gothic Noir Adventure Game inspired by Fear Effect & Blade Runner. Currently working on making a better demo for the project in UE4.

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More info, folks!

We will be streaming TODAY. We'll be talking about the game and we'll try to speedrun it ourselves!

Where? ➡️https://t.co/2XT4kqeP5Q
When? ➡️TODAY 19:00 CEST!
Who? ➡️ YOU! Join us 😀

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今日は UE4 プチコンにも参加するみたいです。
今から Unreal Engine をダウンロードして準備しよう。

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バイソン ue4でレンダリング:)

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Modeled one of house collection Illustrations!
had a lot of fun with this one and learned a lot from working with these programs ☀️

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Working on planet rendering experiments with single noise texture in

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If you take an alternate path in Level 2, you'll end up in 's Secret Level. She worked hard to bring this level to life from whiteboxing to lighting.

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The sculpt for Azzy's model is pretty much done, now it's onto retopo and doing the prosthetic arm! What d'you think of him? 😺

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Just a quick little blockout and lighting test from last week, its beginning to take shape! I'll be making the noodle stand itself next!

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When alien ships colored only to red and black, how make them distinguishable? Use insect photos while modelling!

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簡単にだけど、塔と崖なども で作って足して背景としてまとめてみた。HoudiniはHeightFieldとアセットの自動配置、崖モデル生成や塔の作成で使いました。

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Finally weekend! with Sahad's new sticker! Find it on our 💬 Discord Server: https://t.co/obYa90ZwiC

✅ You can Wishlist on Steam here: https://t.co/y5PWZjeQJ4

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