More ControlNet fun!! Quick blockout in render out z-depth pass and then piping it straight into ControlNet without preprocessing with the depth model.

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based on this artwork by Betty Sourigues,
Made using blender3D, zbrush and Krita.

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Floyd-Steinberg, Bayer, and Random dithering in with the basics down I might move on to more esoteric dithering algorithms soon :-)

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A little practice using Blender3D,Megascan assets, and photobash.

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All processing and post processing in a little bit of for the sticker

is vertical crop better for mobile? i need to get better at social media (>'-'<)

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Shoyru Summer Picnic ☀😎
💐Some fanart of 4 besties meetin up for a cute picnic!! This is the first time I've done a full scene and I'm SO stoked on how it came out!!! Created in textured with with the aid of 💕

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Today I released my model to booth for free!
Maro-chan is open source and comes with a permissive license!
Many thanks to and for making this possible!♥️


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A new fir tree I did today, in it took about 20 minutes using the community addon "Sapling tree generator". The textures are my own personal textures from my nature photography. Looking forward to making a whole bunch of trees!

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An animation commission for Youtube/Google ! I created everything in blender3d, and i also composed the music 😀 This will be in the new official library for the 10min countdown themes before your youtube premiere videos 🌸⏱#blender3d

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Once I was done with the model in I had to export an fbx for to create the actual vrm that you'll see in action in VSeeFace. Overall the whole process took about 3 months and was incredibly fun. I can't wait to make more stuff for you guys to see!

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Modeling this dude, kinda based off those cool Chinese designer toys. Got a good base right here, I think I'm gonna rig him up, give some placeholder animations and textures and see if I can get character customization up in Unity. Made in of course

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One of my favorite models from
that I made in a cosplay prop with and then did a scene and render in the "Thermal Katana" 😎

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My 3D Sculpture: First day of Work. Modeled in surface noise in textured in rendered in Pizza model used: rigsters

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I'm trying to develop a new art style in and this is what I've got so far:

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