Why485 🐀さんのプロフィール画像

Why485 🐀さんのイラストまとめ

Former modder turned amateur game developer. Lead developer of Tiny Combat Arena. Buy the game on Steam!

フォロー数:102 フォロワー数:10011

Yes! They are a control surface/wing the same as ailerons, rudder, etc to creates lift/drag for the same reasons any other wing does. I still do some cheating with where the forces are applied to keep things simpler and more controllable, but the same is true for all the wings.

0 18

WIP Harrier. The model is floating around 1400 tris as I add details and optimize. After tonight's tweaking and additions, I'm really happy with how this is turning out.

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The external camera is pretty much complete, and while I was at it, I wrote a simple F-16 style fly by wire system. It makes flying easier with a more imprecise input scheme like a gamepad and should come in handy for the AI.

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T-62s assaulting an airbase in A-10 Cuba!

3 34

In the middle of refactoring some very old and particularly ugly code that is starting to cause problems and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the old debug real-time plane switching code still works. It's a bit buggy, but seems to be in pretty minor ways.

10 59

Finalizing the VJ 101. It has a slightly more interesting livery than just one solid color now and the control surface animations are now in.

2 47

Added a half-step to VTOL to make transitioning from vertical to forward flight, and jump jet style short takeoffs, much easier.

9 101

Seeing people in the Microprose Discord mention wanting a flight sim with an accessible 90s level of realism makes me think. For a long time I've wondered if an audience for that kind of thing existed anymore since that specific kind of sim is long dead.

3 74

Nothing to really look at, but I've picked up the fuel system work again. Jets drain different amounts of fuel depending on altitude and throttle setting. Afterburners drain fuel at a prodigious rate, so depending on the plane you'll want to be mindful of their use.

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