1月19日香港 中環

363 312

只是一個星期 香港人要承受這麼多☹️林鄭以為所謂十大紓困措施塞住香港人把口?慳啲啦😡

19 15

Only independent commission could be empowered to “call for witness” to investigate each case, not the capability of could do. If still insist the set up for independent commission was unnecessary, that means it’s the order from🇨🇳

6 9

It’s disappointed to👂🏻this bad news from Cambridge, was thugs! Why Cambridge Uni. have to assist with those evil guys 😢
Please to re-consider this co-operation 🙏🏻

8 8

Totally absurd!😡 should be sanctioned for their evil action
Video👇🏻 showing another situation, 2 riot just threw a down to the staircase, such action was cold-blooded 😢

14 13

Started from 9/6, the rally, people will never surrender & determine to continue our fight until have been promised by
Most importantly, set up independent commission to investigate was necessary 💪
Video below👇🏻

2 3

did everything w/o baseline, deploying teargas, applying PS spray & indiscriminate assaulting nearby civilians was daily activities for them, what a shame 😡

9 12

Never forgive 😡
Such insane & absurd action should be stopped & sanctioned 😡

34 81


How the Hong Kong police bullied an unarmed child.

533 432

16/12 01:08 MK Portland St.
deployed teargas repeatedly & one of it has impacted the right 👁 of a HKBUSU press directly. Let’s pray for him 😢🙏🏻
Once again, tried to take away one’s 👁
Source: Flashmedia

31 25

Recall on 6•12
Outside Leg-Co, at least 8 brutally tortured a surrendered they used baton, long shield to assault her continuously. Another male rushed to save her but also being attacked
Far more had been occurred in 6•12
Never forgive

746 603

More seniors choose to stand out to support them as became more serious, they wanted to protect the kids from 🙇🏻‍♂️

3 2

Commissioner said that the police is the best police force. Only people without conscience will agree!

Only triads will !😡

214 194

The protestor was treated with
The protestor didn't resist arrest. Why did the treat him like that?

68 63

See how treated They do it broad daylight, can you imagine what level they treat hkprotesters behind the camera?

394 332

150pm A foreigner passed by and got shot by pepper spray. Police fired pepper spray and left the scene. First Aider provided immediate treatment.

28 17