Banks in Hong Kong can now freeze your account only becoz of political reasons and the pressure from HK govt and Who would want to do business or invest in a city like this? HK is ruined by authoritarianism from

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cancelled an assembly and fired tear gas to disperse the crowd. It quickly escalated into pointing firearms at civilians on armoured vehicle and civilians bathed in blood

is a . Article27 of promised Freedom of Assembly

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first called off the lawful rally, n two minutes later they fired teargas. Not to mention the abitrary arrest on citizens wearing in black. What’s the meaning of “approving us to have a rally”? Easier for them to catch more?!

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只是一個星期 香港人要承受這麼多☹️林鄭以為所謂十大紓困措施塞住香港人把口?慳啲啦😡

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We didn’t understand the intention of such a peaceful female didn’t show any threatening at that moment
It was just another arbitrarily arrest that targeting & threatening youngster 😡

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I don’t know what he did but when you have 10+ i don’t see why they need to do this. this could damage his back for life OR even death.

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new uniform. Room for anything but batch/warrant/ID

(Source: FB “Kit Da Sketch - Kit Man, AppleDaily News)

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1335: now-outside US Embassy,pro china people shout “Burn alive.” while burning his cardboard face and US flag. A man says there is a smell of burning plastic so they put the fire out.

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Police attack PolyU, they arrested some first aiders and journalists, some citizens and students are still trapped in the university and no one can save them, Police blocked all the entrance and tried to torture people in PolyU

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The asked citizens to leave via the northern exit, but this happened when citizens are doing so. Unknown grenade but it could be flash grenade or stun grenades
Video- Max Tang @ SocREC

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