previous thread started getting too long. anyway here's a gif of randomly generated asteroids rendered using signed distance fields and raymarching

12 93

Finally got used to writing compute shaders in Made a volumetric raymarched renderer. 🙂

0 6

Reposting :
"I’m teaching an introduction to raymarching workshop tomorrow. We are soso lucky to have as our TA tomorrow!
Also also next Friday in .city we are throwing an exhibition to show off some of the AMAZING work workshop participants ...

3 12

Dusting off some code for Added material colors, specular highlights, soft shadows, and ambient occlusion.

15 189

Going deeper into my artworks with iterative shapes

1 15

Getting finally some satisfying progress into my interactive artworks

0 10

Btw here is the cloud sea shader I worked on. Between a realistic cloud (3d perlin noise) and a stylized one. I lerp between colors depending on depth and density of the raymarch in the noise.

1 11

Just published some more ray marching shader examples on my blog about creating CSG objects with colors over here:

Feel free to take a look!

4 7

I've tried some fractals projection on a 3D raymarching rendered object 👀
~ I love the result ! o/

link ~>

3 5

この中に Raymarching で出来た球があります

7 36

Unlit は出来た気がするので Lit を作り始めたけど微妙に色味が違うな...(手前が Raymarching、奥がポリゴン)

2 25

このあいだ書いたレイマーチングを TouchDesigner に移植して遊んでみた。

5 28

Gacha SSR Effect Raymarching by sayachang_bot

0 2