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Crystal Shaderは後日無料で配布を開始します

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testing out the shader i retweeted earlier

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and in case anyone is interested: here is the old shader.... slightly more complex, but definitely more adjustable

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simplified the npr shader quite a bit... you can download the .blend here (blender 2.8 file) :
if you don't want to download, see pictures for the node setups

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Almost done with the next tutorial! Here's some real colour wheeling action. This is just using the Start Lifetime property, but I'm currently working on noise-based HDR colour animation.

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Work in progress on my current commission :)

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データを更新し、Directional Lightの数値が小さいワールドにも対応したshaderを同梱しました。
これでDirectional Lightのintensityが0.1でも光ると思います…!
画像はDirectional Lightのintensityが0.1の時の光り方です。

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- Day 09 - They see me rollin

I just think that shader is neat.

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Today's is the webcomic Shaderunners, which as you might have guessed is fantastic! Written by and drawn by y'all gotta read it!

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blender3d: grease pencil with stroke surface. convert to curve, smooth it, export it as .obj (supports mesh made of lines)
webgl: send curve positions to float texture, use vertex shader to distribute along curve. calculate normals and ribbonize it

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Introducing Blego, a procedural shader by for Blender Cycles and EEVEE. Blego Bricks are 3d printable and compatible with existing Lego/ Duplo sets. https://t.co/YDnIWBLrKY

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Furthermore, can't decide which dissipation I like the most. - Dissolve:

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This is what happens if you send a regular texture into a shader that expects an indexed color palette. I also interpret the dither amount from the blue channel, so this guy got some dynamic roughness to him.

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NormalとMask吐いて、Reflex ShaderでMatcap当てたらこんな感じ。

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